I've got to admit, I was a little bit hesitant about whether or not to put the 'before & after' photo up simply because not many people have seen my hair in it's natural 'just been dried and completely blasted with the hairdryer' state - yep, I'm usually GHD's #1 fan.. But I really wanted to show off just how amazing this treatment is and the effect it's had on my hair. And yes, that second photo really is hairdryer only with no styling, simply just brushed with a paddle brush alongside the hairdryer. I know, I couldn't believe it either!
I heard about Kerastraight around 2 years ago now but never really thought about going ahead with it or researching it until very recently. But let me tell you, it's one of the best things I've ever had done. Before I explain what it is, I just want to emphasise that it really does not damage your hair. Although it's essentially a straightening product, it manages to create the softest locks without an ounce of split ends or damage. In fact, my hair has never felt (or looked) healthier! The treatment involves a few different stages, with a couple of washes after each one to allow to the product to really sink into your hair. Amongst the couple of washes there's also a few blow dry's, a handful of straightening irons and a lot of brushes, but the 3-4 hours (depending on the thickness/length of your hair) of sitting in the salon seat is well worth it.
It usually takes me a lot of patience to properly dry my hair after washing it, which is why I mainly just tend to blast it then take to the straighteners to make it look acceptable - or failing that, a bun seems to have become my most recent go to. But after having the Kerastaight it literally takes me 10 minutes to style my hair and that's it, I'm good to go. Not only that, but I don't even have to put any additional products on it or straighten any fly-aways, it really is incredible.
The main reason behind my decision to get this treatment is because of my soon-to-be travels around South East Asia. As I'll be visiting a part of the world where even a drop of humidity turns my hair into an afro, I thought it was the perfect excuse to give Kerastraight a try.
My hair is something I dread having to deal with on a daily basis let alone a 3 month backpacking trip, and so I can't begin tell you just how excited I am to be able to have manageable hair for once. The frizz is gone, the curls are gone, and the endless minutes holding onto a hairdryer with an aching arm has gone. For us girls with curly hair, that really is a life changer!
I got mine done at The David Thomas salon at Wrightington Country Club, but I'll pop a link below to the official Kerastraight website if you fancy having a look at where your local salon is. It is quite a pricey treatment - mine cost me around the £200 mark - however I really cannot recommend it enough. It lasts about 6-8 months, and so I really do think it is worth the money. The only downside is that I can feel this becoming a teeeeny addiction which is not going to be great for my bank balance.. Ahhhh.
Anyway, if you want to check it all out in detail here's the link: http://www.kerastraight.com
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